The new cover of OK! magazine has a smiling Sandra Bullock and the headline, a baby for Sandra! Another girl and a wedding! The magazine promises to tell us how Randall convinced her to marry again. Details of the ceremony in Wyoming of only $ 5000 dollars, the gift Sandra gave to him that made him cry. Awww …

According to the magazine, Sandra and Randall are discreetly finalizing the roles to adopt another girl, they will bring her home before Christmas.

“Friends say Sandra has been wanting to adopt again, and they say Bryan agrees. Plus, Louis and Laila (Sandra’s children) are always asking when they will have another baby brother. “

The publication says the wedding will be in the spring at Bullock’s Wyoming house, once the baby is home. The ceremony will be very simple, there will be a barbecue, country music and horses for the children to have fun.

The alleged source says Sandra plans to spend less than $ 5000 on the ceremony, which will be attended only by her closest friends and family.

And of course, after the ceremony, the magazine says that Sandra will present the papers to Randall to adopt her two children, Louis and Laila

“This will be the final step to solidify your family.”

“There is no doubt that she wants him to know how much she loves him and believes in him, and seeing these papal ones would be understandable for someone in her shoes to cry.”

Anyways, every now and then they marry Sandra and they add another baby (just in case they guess, ha!) A source close to the actress said that this report was false and that she does not plan to adopt again … but that said last time with Laila, right? Okay, bye!

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