At least 128 people have been killed and more than 180 have been injured at a deadly terrorist attack On Friday in Paris , France. The Islamic State (IS) Group has claimed the responsibility for the attack in an official statement. There has been a series of bomb explosion and firings at different places of Paris on Friday nigh. It has been said to be the biggest attack after the world war 2.
The state of emergency has been declared in France after the attack. All the state borders have been sealed and public have been asked not to leave home. According to French police, gunmen have
killed more than 100 people at Bataclan concert hall of Paris. Police have attacked the assaults where some people have been abducted. Four attackers have been killed in police record so far. Three of them were killed in suicidal attack.
French President François Hollande has arrived at the incident place along with some of his cabinet members.
First target of the attackers was the national stadium of Paris where a friendly match was going on between France and Germany. Three blasts were heard outside the stadium while during the match.
French President Hollande was also in the stadium to watch the match. President was unhurt and safely escorted outside the stadium while a huge crowd rushed into the stadium after the blast.
Another attack took place at a Cambodian restaurant Le Petit Cambodge where a gunman entered inside the restaurant and fired mercilessly on people.
The incident took place around 9 pm at local time in Paris. World leaders have condemned the attack and many celebrities, leaders and international communities have expressed grief and shown solidarity with the fight against terrorist attack.
खबरसाइट डट कम ( तपाईँको आफ्नै खबर साइट हो । हामी कुनै पनि आग्रह र पूर्वाग्रहरहित भएर हरेक पल सत्य तथ्य निष्पक्ष खबर पस्कने जमर्को गर्छौँ । हाम्रो यस स्वतन्त्र अभियानमा तपाईँको साथ अपरिहार्य छ ।