On Monday, the “Great Gatsby” actor was seen with Rae and a friend having lunch at Hillstone on Park Avenue, where a spy said, “they seemed to be a couple”, and “went out together and he covered his eyes with the Cap.”
A witness said she saw them on MoMA PS1 on Monday, from where she posted photos on her Instagram. The beautiful brunette was spotted with Leo and his people at Citi Biking last week, but sources say Leo and Rae have known each other for some time. This girl was also seen with Leo and his entourage in Monaco at the end of May. And on a yacht with Leo and his friends, there was Tobey Maguire too, in St-Tropez, in July.
Leo’s representative says they are not dating, but so are all the blonde girls Leo has dated in the past few years. HE HAS! Leo ended up with Nina Adgal in May.
The girl is beautiful, and although she is not blonde, she has the type that Leo likes. By the way, Leo will make Leonardo da Vinci a bio pic.
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