Mr. And Mrs. Bieber.
It turns out that a fan named Nona Melkoni, asked the couple this Tuesday if they had married. She was sitting next to them at Joan’s on Third in Studio City. The fan told the US:
“I asked them if they had married and they said yes at the same time!”
“They were very happy and cheerful. He told me that she was his angel. They were super sweet! “
After returning with their romance in June, Bieber asked Baldwin for marriage in July. Two months later, the couple married discreetly in a court in New York. Upon hearing the news Hailey denied it, but in the end it was learned that they had married as a civilian, but that they plan to do so before God and their family and friends.
So, Justin and Hailey confirmed that they got married, they both said YES!
खबरसाइट डट कम ( तपाईँको आफ्नै खबर साइट हो । हामी कुनै पनि आग्रह र पूर्वाग्रहरहित भएर हरेक पल सत्य तथ्य निष्पक्ष खबर पस्कने जमर्को गर्छौँ । हाम्रो यस स्वतन्त्र अभियानमा तपाईँको साथ अपरिहार्य छ ।