Google has started banning Google Play apps that inadvertently add ads to the Android device lock screen.
The practice, according to the company, runs counter to Google’s new monetization and advertising policy :
“Apps can not display ads or features that generate revenue from a device’s locked screen unless the app’s sole purpose is to offer the lock screen service.”
In this way, apps that provide features for the lock screen, which is their purpose, can still generate revenue from ads.
खबरसाइट डट कम ( तपाईँको आफ्नै खबर साइट हो । हामी कुनै पनि आग्रह र पूर्वाग्रहरहित भएर हरेक पल सत्य तथ्य निष्पक्ष खबर पस्कने जमर्को गर्छौँ । हाम्रो यस स्वतन्त्र अभियानमा तपाईँको साथ अपरिहार्य छ ।