Finance Minister Dr. Ram Sharan Mahat has presented the budget of Rs 819 billion for the fiscal year 2072-2073 BS at the parliament.
Earlier today the cabinet meeting has endorsed the budget. The government has allocated Rs 42.45 billion for electric power generation.
Similarly Rs 12 billion has been allocated for construction of power transmission line and 5 billion for alternate energy promotion.
Another major sector is the agriculture where Rs 26.2 billion has been allocated.
Highlights of budget for the fiscal year 2015-2016.
Reconstruction on priority
50,000 youths will be trained for reconstruction and thousands of government staff will be trained for disaster management
Government will organize an Investment Conference in the next fiscal year to promote foreign investment
National Planning Commission has estimated that reconstruction will need about 667 billion
Roads and Infrastructures
There will be 10 new cities developed in Terai region with 6 lane road connecting to market places
Total of Rs 1.95 billion has bee allocated for mid-hill Highway where Rs 440 million will be spent to develop midhill city
Village Development Committee
Each VDC will get additional 5 lakhs rs on regular budget and smaller VDCs will be encouraged to merge with other suitable VDCs, in return
they will be provided with more budget
New Constitution, Peace Process And The Local Poll
Government has worked towards promulgating new constitution and budgets have been allocated for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission
and Commission On Disappeared and also for local election
Rs 1.01 billion has been allocated for tourism promotion and Rs 5.75 billion for upgrading of airports
Buy New aircraft for NA Corporation
Upper Tamakoshi will be completed in 2 years which has 2 billion rs budget
Budhi Gandaki Hydropower Project has Rs 3.37 billion budget
Tanahun Hydropower and West Seti Hydropower Project will commence this year
Budget For Parliament Members
Each parliament member will get Rs 2 million Rs for the development of their respective constituency area. Likewise each constituency will get
15 million for development purpose
Cricket Grounds in Kirtipur and Pulchowk and stadium in Mulpani
Upgrading of Dashrath National Stadium and the football ground at ANFA technical Centre
National players will be insured and honoured
110 Million for cricket stadium outside Kathmandu
4,000 gov schools will be given away sports materials of 10,000 Rs each
Rs 26 billion for agriculture development
Rs 22 Billion for irrigation
Rs 4 billion for land administration
Social Security
Oldage allowance increased to Rs 1000 per month
Rs 110 million for providing scholarship for technical education for student of needy communities
Rs 98.64 billion
Free Abortion
Free treatment to infants up to 28 days
Rs 270 million for Hospitals at every new Municipalities
One Village One Doctor
National Security
Nepal Army will get 32.69 billion
Information and Communication
NTV and Radio Nepal will be merged
Krishna Prasad Bhattarai Mass Communication Academy will be established
खबरसाइट डट कम ( तपाईँको आफ्नै खबर साइट हो । हामी कुनै पनि आग्रह र पूर्वाग्रहरहित भएर हरेक पल सत्य तथ्य निष्पक्ष खबर पस्कने जमर्को गर्छौँ । हाम्रो यस स्वतन्त्र अभियानमा तपाईँको साथ अपरिहार्य छ ।